Here is the scenario of the problem:
The shift layer is activated via the detectStartOfSentence group either at the very start of the input text or subsequently after keying a fullstop + space.
If SHIFT is tapped again, nothing happens, i.e. we cannot go back to the default layer.
The same is true for the Numeric control key, i.e., we cannot go to the numerals either.
Thanks in advance for anybody’s response.
Hi @amadel, could you share your keyboard project with us via private message? It’s hard to know exactly what the cause of the issue is otherwise
Thank you @amadel, I got the PM and was able to examine your keyboard. I noted the following issue with the begin PostKeystroke
statement. You had:
begin PostKeystroke > use(detectStartOfSentence)
But you should have had:
begin PostKeystroke > use(PostKeystroke)
Because you started in the wrong group for the PostKeystroke
statement, the layer switch for shift key was actually happening, but then it would be immediately reset by the detectStartOfSentence
The following rule in the PostKeystroke
group prevents that from happening (the &newLayer
store will not be empty if the user has switched layers by touching the Shift key):
c no other changes, so detect sentence or layer change, as long
c as the user hasn't attempted to change layer themselves.
if(&newLayer = "") > use(detectStartOfSentence)
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