Object doesnt support property or method 'addEventListener'

When opening the keyman 11 program I get the error above. I can select cancel and still get to the program. I can select keyboards and download them but I have to us admin to install the keyboards.
We are trying to get the Keyman app downloaded with all the keyboards so our customer that don’t have admin accounts can change their keyboard. Is the a download that has all the keyboards installed or a way to get rid of the error and let normal users install the keyboards? thanks!

I’m not sure what is causing this error; we have seen it happen if there is another application that is injecting web code into the Keyman Configuration application.

Would you be able to send a diagnostic report following the steps at https://help.keyman.com/kb/40 and then we can investigate further? Make sure that both Keyman itself, and the Keyman Configuration app, are running when you run the report so we can get the fullest detail.

I get the ‘object doesn’t support property or method ‘addEventListener’ error as soon as I open the configuration app. I hit cancel on the error and then click
support. Here I get the error ‘Keyman Desktop has encountered a problem and needs to close. I enter my email and the problem and click submit to Keyman support.

Jonathan Harris (CTR)

Security+, Windows 7/10 Certified

Tier 2 IT Support (.Mil/.Edu)

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff For Information Technology (DCSIT)

Bldg 420 Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC)

(W) 831-656-7190

Retired Navy Veteran

Any updates for this issue?

Jonathan Harris (CTR)

Security+, Windows 7/10 Certified

Tier 2 IT Support (.Mil/.Edu)

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff For Information Technology (DCSIT)

Bldg 420 Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC)

(W) 831-656-7190

Retired Navy Veteran

I managed to locate your report – but next time please do include a reference number (as I can’t normally see your email address in the forum).

The issue is strange; it seems that Internet Explorer (which we use internally for displaying the user interface) is being forced into a compatibility mode across the entire system, forcing compatibility IE8 or earlier. This is not supported by Keyman, which requires IE9 or later. The resolution would be to ensure that the compatibility mode is switched off for Internet Explorer. (You do appear to be running version 11 of Internet Explorer, just in this very old compatibility mode).

Thanks for the reply. I checked compatibility view setting, I have nothing in the list. Ref# IGH5917. IE is running as IE11. Still get same error. Any other ideas?

Jonathan Harris (CTR)

Security+, Windows 7/10 Certified

Tier 2 IT Support (.Mil/.Edu)

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff For Information Technology (DCSIT)

Bldg 420 Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC)

(W) 831-656-7190

Retired Navy Veteran

is there anywhere else I can check to make sure its not running in compatibility mode?

Is it possible that your organisation is using “Enterprise Mode” in IE to override the local settings? https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/notime/2015/04/11/ie-enterprise-mode-in-a-nutshell/

This starts to get very deeply technical very quickly, and there is a lot of over the top complexity in the Internet Explorer configuration so I understand if that’s difficult to check for you. If necessary, we can setup a remote support session in which we can explore some other avenues together?

We plan to remove the dependency on IE in Keyman 13 which will solve these kinds of problems for good.

when will version 13 come out?

We don’t have a formal release date yet. Version 12 is scheduled for September and we have a tentative date of February next year for Version 13. See the roadmap: https://blog.keyman.com/2019/02/keyman-roadmap-february-2019/

we have enterprise mode set to not configured in group policy, would that be why you are seeing enterprise mode in the report?

Okay, at this point I’m just guessing, which is pretty futile. I can’t see any details in the diagnostic report which tell me what is causing the problem. The only thing I can suggest is a remote support session where we share your screen and I can investigate more directly. Is that a possibility for you?

yes we can do that, im available now

good morning, ill be available after 11am my time, pacific, to do a phone conversation to figure out the speaker mic thing.

Did you send this to the wrong forum perhaps?

I don’t think so. I was on the phone with yall a couple days ago about the Logitech cc3000 speaker/mic

sorry, I meant the keyman app. I was talking with you last week about this and you had suggested a remote session with my computer to try to figure out why its now working.

For documentation: ran a remote session with Jonathan. Adding a meta X-UA-Compatible header to keyman.xsl resolves the issue. Need to verify that this does not cause any other problems, but none expected. Planning an updated release of 11.0 to correct this, will link to it here once ready.

Relevant Pull Requests:

Build 11.0.1360.0 which should address this issue is now available at https://keyman.com/downloads