Exhaustive (?) list of FLEx markers and fields that are supported by DAB using LIFT

Hi there,

I once tested all the possible export/import options from FLEx to DAB and came up with a list of all markers that are supported. This is needed if you import a dictionary into FLEx in order to publish it later at DAB - you want to assign the correct FLEx fields to whatever other program you are converting from so you know that you can quickly create a DAB dictionary and all your entries will be there.

Since this was trial and error and a few years ago, I don’t claim that this list is exhaustive. However, it might save some people time. I’ll try to edit things according to your feedback.

Analysis stands for your Analysis language (e.g. Eng for English), Vernacular stands for your target language. First I give the FLEx marker that you get when you export and then what field in FLEx stands behind it. So the markers \co_Eng is being created during FLEx export/import if you have written something in the note field in the section before the first gloss.

Edit: As pointed out by bart_eenkhoorn1, this concerns only dictionaries created with LIFT. XHTML has no such restrictions.

FLEx export/import marker FLEx field
\cet ???
\co_Analysis note
\ct Main > Complex Form Type (when it is a part of complex form)
\d_Analysis Sense 1 Definition
\d_Analysis Sense 2 Definition
\dt DateCreated
\ea_Analysis Etymology > Preceding Annotation
\eb_Analysis Etymology > Bibliographic Source
\ec_Analysis Etymology > Etymology Note
\efc_Analysis Etymology > Following Comment
\eg_Analysis Etymology > Gloss
\es_Analysis Etymology > Source Language Notes
\esl Etymology > Source Language
\et_Vernacular Etymology > Source Form
\et_Analysis Etymology > Source Form
\g_Analysis Sense (1, 2 etc.) > Gloss
\hm 1 comes after \lx when there are two identical lexemes but with two separate entries rather than two senses
\hm 2 comes after \lx when there are two identical lexemes but with two separate entries rather than two senses
\lc_Vernacular Main > Citation form
\lx Main > Headword
\lx_Vernacular Main > Lexeme Form
\mn Variant of
\na_Analysis Sense 1 > Anthropology Note
\nd_Analysis Sense 1 > Discourse Note
\ng_Analysis Sense 1 > Grammar Note
\np_Analysis Sense 1 > Phonology Note
\ns_Analysis Sense 1 > Sociolinguistic Note
\nt_Analysis Sense 1 > General Note
\ps_Analysis Sense 1 > Grammatical Info
\re_Analysis Sense 1 > Reversal Entries
\se Publication Settings > testing??
\sn Sense number 1
\sn Sense number 2
\su_Analysis ComplexForm/Components > Comment
\va Variants > Variant Form
\vet Variants > Variant Type
\vt Main > Variant Type (at the variant entry)
\x_Analysis Sense 1 > Example > Translation
\xv_Vernacular Sense 1 > Example > Vernacular

Are all of these string fields? I did a test a couple weeks ago with an image and audio recorded in FLEX to see how it would output into DAB. I remember the image coming through just fine, but I cannot remember with regards to the audio.

I’m currently trying to work on a workflow that would ideally populate FLEX and DAB with audio, images, and a few of these text/string fields as putting audio and images into FLEX is SUPER cumbersome.

Also, with regards to “Analysis” Language, is it possible to have more than one Analysis language and have them both import into DAB? We’re working in a context where we have two Analysis languages that are used quite regularly.

Tyler, I don’t get the first question. As for audio, it is a well-known bug that DAB only imports audio recorded in FLEx, not audio that you imported into FLEx. Unfortunately, DAB is only barely maintained and not even bugs like these are being resolved. I currently wouldn’t know how to create a DAB app with audio.

Analysis language: I do have two analysis languages in my DAB app and can confirm it works just fine.