Bug with left-alt

I believe this is probably the same issue as described in Problems with Keyman windows popping up. We wrote a fix for it in #5189 but found some compatibility issues, so the fix is currently disabled by default in 14.0 (it will be enabled in 15.0). You can turn the fix on with the following steps, for Keyman 14.0.275 or later:

  1. Open Keyman Configuration
  2. Select Options tab, scroll to the bottom and click Keyman System Settings
  3. Accept the elevation prompt. The Keyman Settings Manager will open.
  4. Find the setting named engine.compatibility.old_cached_hotkey_modifier_state and set the value to 0:
  5. Click Apply to save changes, then click Close to close the dialog.
  6. Exit and restart Keyman (these system flags do not necessarily take effect until a Keyman restart).

Please let us know how this goes for you!

Note: Keyman 15.0.222-beta or later has a fix for that compatibility problem noted above that we have not yet ported back to 14.0. As it is still beta software, there may still be other issues! (We are now working to port this fix back to 14.0.)

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