Audio in LIFT DAB and Lexique Pro

I’m using Toolbox to Lexique Pro to DAB (Standard Format to Lexique Pro to LIFT respectively) to make an iOS and Android dictionary. Currently, the audio links in my Lexique Pro file do not turn up in my LIFT file exported from Lexique Pro. A much earlier LIFT export from over a year ago DID include my audio links and subsequently audio available to the Android app created by DAB. Unfortunately, I’ve overwritten that old LIFT export so I’m not sure what I did right the earlier times.

There is no pronunciation or media element in the LIFT XML exported by Lexique Pro.

Here is an example entry in my Toolbox file:

\ps adj., bound
\gv -a:riwa
\ge bad
\re bad
\re poor
\re rough
\re evil
\de bad, poor, rough, evil
\an -yaba
\an -yabu
\ue Northern
\ue Roe River
\ue Southern
\so Vászolyi 1973b:92, 114
\so Capell 1941

\se aarriwa
\mr Ø-aarriwa
\de it (A-class) is bad
\de its (A-class) bad [thing]
\cf Ø-1

\se naarriwa
\mr n-aarriwa
\de it (N-class) is bad
\de its (N-class) bad [thing]
\cf n-

\se wunggarriwa
\mr wungg-aarriwa
\de it (W-class) is bad
\de its (W-class) bad [thing]
\cf wungg-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.004
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.010

\se Wɨni wunggaarriwa.
\sf .\mp3\wini-wunggaarriwa_LU_3109B_1_004.mp3
\de It (W-class) is bad.
\cf wɨni
\cf wungg-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.004

\se Wɨnimiya wunggaarriwamiya.
\sf .\mp3\winimiya-wunggaarriwamiya_LU_3109B_1_010.mp3
\de Them two (W-class) are bad.
\cf wɨni
\cf wungg-
\cf -miya
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.010

\se maarriwa
\mr m-aarriwa
\de it (M-class) is bad
\de its (M-class) bad [thing]
\cf m-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.005
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.011

\se Mɨni maarriwa.
\sf .\mp3\mini-maarriwa_LU_3109B_1_005.mp3
\cf mɨni
\cf m-
\de It (M-class) is bad.
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.005

\se Mɨnimiya maarriwamiya.
\sf .\mp3\minimiya-maarriwamiya_LU_3109B_1_011.mp3
\de Them two (M-class) are bad.
\cf mɨni
\cf m-
\cf -miya
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.011

\se baarriwa
\mr b-aarriwa
\de he (B-class) is bad; she (B-class) is bad
\de his (B-class) bad [thing], her (B-class) bad [thing]
\cf b-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.003

\se Bɨni baarriwa.
\sf .\mp3\bini-baarriwa_LU_3109B_1_003.mp3
\de He/she/it (B-class) is bad.
\cf bɨni
\cf b-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.003

\se gaarriwa
\mr g-aarriwa
\de you (singular) are bad
\de your (singular) bad [thing]
\cf g-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.002

\se Naa gaarriwa.
\sf .\mp3\naa-gaarriwa_LU_3109B_1_002.mp3
\de You (singular) are bad.
\cf naa
\cf g-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.002

\se ngaarriwa
\mr ng-aarriwa
\de I am bad
\de my bad [thing]
\cf ng-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.001

\se Ngaya ngaarriwa.
\sf .\mp3\ngaya-ngaarriwa_LU_3109B_1_001.mp3
\de I am bad.
\cf ngaya
\cf ng-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.001

\se bɨrraarriwa
\mr bɨrr-aarriwa
\de they are bad
\de their bad [thing]
\cf bɨrr-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.009
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.015
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.019

\se Bɨrrani bɨrraarriwa.
\sf .\mp3\birrani-birraarriwa_LU_3109B_1_019.mp3
\de They (B-class) are bad.
\cf bɨrrani
\cf bɨrr-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.019

\se Bɨrranimiya bɨrraarriwamiya.
\sf .\mp3\birranimiya-birraarriwamiya_LU_3109B_1_009.mp3
\de Them two (B-class) are bad.
\cf bɨrrani
\cf bɨrr-
\cf -miya
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.009

\se Bɨrranina bɨrraarriwana.
\sf .\mp3\birranina-birraarriwana_LU_3109B_1_015.mp3
\de Them few (B-class) are bad.
\cf bɨrrani
\cf bɨrr-
\cf -na
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.015

\se gɨrraarriwa
\mr gɨrr-aarriwa
\de you mob (plural) are bad
\de your (plural) bad [thing]
\cf gɨrr-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.008
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.014
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.018

\se Nurra gɨrraarriwa.
\sf .\mp3\nurra-girraarriwa_LU_3109B_1_018.mp3
\de You mob (plural) are bad.
\cf nurra
\cf gɨrr-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.018

\se Nurramiya gɨrraarriwamiya.
\sf .\mp3\nurramiya-girraarriwamiya_LU_3109B_1_008.mp3
\de You two are bad.
\cf nurra
\cf gɨrr-
\cf -miya
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.008

\se Nurrana gɨrraarriwana.
\sf .\mp3\nurrana-girraarriwana_LU_3109B_1_014.mp3
\de You few are bad.
\cf nurra
\cf gɨrr-
\cf -na
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.014

\se ngarraarriwa
\mr ngarr-aarriwa
\de we (including the listener) are bad
\de our (including the listener) bad [thing]
\cf ngarr-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.006
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.012
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.016

\se Nangarra ngarraarriwa.
\sf .\mp3\nangarra-ngarraarriwa_LU_3109B_1_016.mp3
\de We (including the listener) are bad.
\cf ngangarra
\cf ngarr-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.016

\se Nangarramiya ngarraarriwamiya.
\sf .\mp3\nangarramiya-ngarraarriwamiya_LU_3109B_1_006.mp3
\de We two (including the listener) are bad.
\cf ngangarra
\cf ngarr-
\cf -miya
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.006

\se Nangarrana ngarraarriwana.
\sf .\mp3\nangarrana-ngarraarriwana_LU_3109B_1_012.mp3
\de We few (including the listener) are bad.
\cf ngangarra
\cf ngarr-
\cf -na
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.012

\se nyarraarriwa
\mr nyarr-aarriwa
\de we (excluding the listener) are bad
\de our (excluding the listener) bad [thing]
\cf nyarr-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.007
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.013
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.017

\se Nyarra nyarraarriwa.
\sf .\mp3\nyarra-nyarraarriwa_LU_3109B_1_017.mp3
\de We (excluding the listener) are bad.
\cf nyarra
\cf nyarr-
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.017

\se Nyarramiya nyarraarriwamiya.
\sf .\mp3\nyarramiya-nyarraarriwamiya_LU_3109B_1_007.mp3
\de We two (excluding the listener) are bad.
\cf nyarra
\cf nyarr-
\cf -miya
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.007

\se Nyarrana nyarraarriwana.
\sf .\mp3\nyarrana-nyarraarriwana_LU_3109B_1_013.mp3
\de We few (excluding the listener) are bad.
\cf nyarra
\cf nyarr-
\cf -na
\so VASZOLYI_E01-003109B_1.013
\dt 06/Jul/2023

Here is a screenshot of the entry in Lexique Pro:

Here’s the LIFT XML for the same entry exported from Lexique Pro:

I’m using:

Toolbox 1.6.4 May 2019
Lexique Pro 3.6
… on Windows 10 Pro o Intel i5 2.11 GHz, 40 GB RAM, 64-bit x64

DAB 10.4
… on Apple M2, 24GB RAM, Ventura 13.4.1

Is there any hope of getting my audio into the phone apps? If so, how?



Did you have a look at this thread before? There is no real solution there, but maybe gives you things you can try to win the gamble.

If my memory is correct, the earlier apps from DAB that DID contain working audio only had audio in the headwords. Does this matter? If there is audio in \se Subentries, then all audio doesn’t export? Is this what’s happening?

i had the same problem playing audios using app builder. I could’t solve them yet. I hope somebody could hele and share it with all of us.

Apologies. I believe I was mistaken and DAB has NEVER worked at importing audio from Lexique Pro for me. Still, is there a way that I can get my Standard Format MDF into DAB with audio? It appears there’s even problems getting audio to work with DAB if one’s lexicon is well-formed in FLEx?

So, reading the related thread ‘no audio in output’, it seems that Lexique Pro is definitely not the pathway to have audio in the apps created by DAB. But it seems that audio from FLEx to DAB is not a sure thing neither.

Hey @jklee if you want to send me your SFM and LIFT files in a private message, I’ll see if I can get it to work for you.