Using custom fonts with my new keyboard

i am building my very own keyboard in sanskrit (devanagari) and I need to specifically use a few handful of fonts that are not standardly available in devices. i wish to attach the font file (.ttf) along with the keyboard to send the file as well and to maintain consistency.
How can I use my own font file (like .ttf), as there is no other option at all to maintain proper combination of characters that only few font family files can ensure

Welcome back to the community @Harshavardhan_Pandur,

Thank you for reaching out about the issue.
Keyman Developer has the option to attach and display custom fonts for the Keyboard package that would allow the whole Package to have the fonts when distributed across platforms.

You can see more information about adding fonts and other files to the keyboard here - (Step 2: Creating Additional Files for the Package) and (Step 3: Creating a package and adding files).

Please feel free to reach out again if there is further question.

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