Three analysis languages not working


I am trying to make an app with 3 analysis languages. I had gotten it to work before while exporting FLEx in a LIFT file, but lately Iʼve been exporting FLEx to HTML files instead of LIFT files as Iʼve been exporting them for apps with 2 analysis languages. Iʼd like to do the same now, exporting as HTML. However, even though the FLEx HTML has all 3 analysis languages, only two will import into DAB. Does anyone know how to fix this or what Iʼm doing wrong?

An entry in FLEx:

The XHTML code of that entry (sorry, I had to do it as a screen shot otherwise the internet automatically changed it back to words and out of code):

Importing that same data into DAB:

And a step farther, when I try to insert all three reversal indexes, only two show up. No matter what I do, the English one wonʼt show up:

Thanks in advance for any help you can give!

Hi Susie

You may be able to paste code, if you can click on a gear icon above the text and choose the Preformatted text option (it may not be there, depending on how many times you’ve posted here)

I created a Flex project with the word above, and it created this XHTML:

<div class="letHead"><span class="letter" lang="vig">B b</span></div>
<div class="entry" id="geddab457-f8f7-4e04-8de2-d32774e4c57e">
  <span class="mainheadword">
    <span lang="vig"><a href="#geddab457-f8f7-4e04-8de2-d32774e4c57e">buori</a></span>
  <span class="senses">
    <span class="sharedgrammaticalinfo">
      <span class="morphosyntaxanalysis">
        <span class="partofspeech">
          <span lang="en">v</span>
    <span class="sensecontent">
      <span class="sense" entryguid="geddab457-f8f7-4e04-8de2-d32774e4c57e">
        <span class="definitionorgloss">
          <span lang="fr">sucer quelque chose solide comme la viande</span>
          <span lang="dyu">mugan, susu</span>
          <span lang="en">suck on something solid</span>

If i create a new DAB Project with this file, it has all three analysis languages. The code you’ve shared looks good to me, so I suspect the problem is elsewhere in the file. If you could share the whole file with me, (through a googledocs link in a message, perhaps) I would be happy to look at it and see if I can find a reason it’s not working.

Daniel Harris
Kalaam Media

Hi Daniel,
Thanks so much! Can you send me your e-mail address so I can send you a link?

Hi Susie,

I have successfully created a new app from the .xhtml file, with all three analysis languages. So the next thing to look at is your version of DAB. Are you on Windows, MacOS or Linux? What version are you using? Perhaps upgrading to the latest version will solve the problem.


Hi Daniel,

I’m on Windows. And I had been working with an old version of DAB, but I updated it earlier this week to the newest version.


Hi again Daniel,

Well, I tried it again just to see if it would work now, and it looks like it might. Maybe it’s because I hadn’t yet restarted my computer after updating DAB? Let me see if I can do the whole process and then let you know how it goes.

Thanks for your help and encouragement!

Hi again Daniel,

Well, thanks to your encouragement, and who knows what in the computer, it now works! I have a nice app that has three analysis languages.

Thanks for your help!

Hi Susie

I’m glad it’s working for you now!
