Recover keystore password

Hello to all,

Is there a way to recover a keystore password used by DAP?
The password is saved, as the alias uses the same, but I can’t remember it.

Thank you,

I am pretty sure that is not possible. If you have posted it to the Playstore you need that password.

But if not then can you just create a new keystore?

The DAB project keeps the encrypted form in the .appdef file of the project.

Hello Ian,

Thanks for you reply.

Yes, my concern is that this is from an app that is posted on Playstore and as already 1sr, 2nd position on Playstore search. I can do updates now as the password is saved. I’m just worried that if I need to install DAP on another PC or if I loose the config in the future I’ll be stuck.

With Android Studio there are ways to find it on logs, so I was wondering if it could be the same with DAP.

The problem is that the password I think it is, is not working. The length of the dots that appear on the saved password field is also the one of the password that should be valid. Could it be a problem is keystore file corruption?

For now I need to change the source database from LIFT to XHTML. Can I do it without the need to insert the keystore password?

Thank you very much.

I’ve contacted Google Support and it seems that a solution is available.

I’ll post the information here, once everything is confirmed.

If I was changing from LIFT to XHTML, I’d just create a new project. I have not tried to change from one source type to another in the same project.

Dear Ian,

That’s what we finally did, thank you for the suggestion.

So if you loose the password for your keystore file, Google can change the file for you only once in the life of that app.

## Upgrade your app signing key for new installs

In some circumstances, you can request an app signing key upgrade. Your new key is used to sign new installs and app updates. Your legacy app signing key is still used to sign updates for users who installed your app before the key upgrade.

Each app can only have its app signing key upgraded once in its lifetime. In the unlikely event that you have multiple apps using the same signing key specifically to run in the same process, you won’t be able to use key upgrade for those apps.

## Lost or compromised upload key?

If you’ve lost your private upload key or it’s been compromised, you can create a new one, and then ask your account owner to contact support to reset the key. When contacting support, make sure your account owner attaches the upload_certificate.pem file.

After our support team registers the new upload key, you receive an email, and then you can update your keystores and register your key with API providers.

Important: Resetting your upload key doesn’t affect the app signing key that Google Play uses to re-sign APKs before delivering them to users.

That’s what we did and it seems that everything was automated and worked very well.