Program to open .kmp file

Is there a program I can install on my tablet to open a .kmp file?

You have not said what you are trying to achieve.

Do you want to install a keyboard on an Android device? Use the Keyman app or use Keyboard App Builder to make your own installer.

A KMP file is a Zip file of a number of different files.

To do editing then you really need the Keyman program for Mac, Linux, Windows, iOS or Android. Go to: and look under Products.

Thanks for responding.
I made a keyboard for Android with Keyman Developer. The problem is that the kmp won’t install.

Thanks for responding.
I made a keyboard for Android with Keyman Developer. The problem is that the kmp won’t install.

Are you using KAB to install the keyboard?

What is KAB? I must admit that I am not at all computer savvy when it comes to programming.

KAB is Keyboard App Builder. You can download it here.
With it you can select your kmp file and easily build an app to install on your phone (and/or share with others so they can install it, too).

Thanks for your response.
I downloaded the file and installed it, but I don’t know what to do with it. Could you please give me instructions how to use it to open the kmp file I already have on my tablet and phone?

I don’t think this is the right approach for you, @halaywi. Keyboard App Builder is about making your own keyboard app for Android and listing it on the Play Store. Your current issue is that your .kmp file does not contain the right content to load it on Android. This issue is being answered in your other topic at Can't Compile kmn - #27 by halaywi.