Phrases appear as headwords (although they shouldn't)

Hello again.
I am facing yet another problem with the English-Greek dictionary I have been making.
More specifically, phrases, such as collocations, appear as headwords in the dictionary’s headword list although in Language Explorer “Show as Headword In” in “Publication Settings” is blank.
This didn’t happen until recently.
Any advice?

THX in advance

Are you using a LIFT data file to make your app, or XHTML file(s)? Could you share a couple of screen shots showing the problem? And if I understand you correctly, you had a previous version of the app which worked as you wanted, but the latest version shows this problem?

One thing you could try is to build a version of the app from scratch (with New App…) to see if it still displays the problem. (There are some problems with the “Update From Source…” buttons.) If you have a simple app that may not be very hard to do. Let us know if that helps, as if it does, we may want to get some data from you to help track down that problem.


I am using XHTML, as I find it more “configurable”.
I did try to build a new app from scratch but the outcome was the same, that is, the collocations still appeared in the headword list although they were not supposed to.
I believe the problem started when I added some custom fields and made some changes (in the order of the fields) in the dictionary configuration.
Fortunately, I was able to restore the project from a backup albeit losing some of the last additions I had made to the dictionary.
The thing is that, in my opinion, there should be a “subtler” way of doing this.
As for the data you are asking, I would be happy to provide them. Just let me know how.

Finally, I would also like to thank you for your prompt reply.

Very interesting… I assume once you restored the project (to what it was before the custom fields and field order changes), then the dictionary app you built didn’t have this problem any more? (You implied that, but didn’t say it explicitly.) If you double-click on the XHTML files (both old and new), they should open in your browser, and show you what the display is supposed to look like. I assume they are different? If so, then the change actually occurred on the FieldWorks side. So you might want to post this issue on the flex-list Google group:, to see if they have any insights on this issue.

I would be interested in seeing the two different XHTML files, before and after the FieldWorks change. If you’re willing to make those public, you can just post them in a reply here. Or you can click on my name and send me a direct Message with those files. It may be possible to modify DAB to handle this issue more “subtly”, but there isn’t really a developer available to work on it right now, so I’m not sure when we’d be able to get to it.


First of all, thank you for the reply and my apologies for not responding sooner, as I have been on “extended” holidays.
Although I would gladly share my xhtml files, I think that I must have misplaced them somewhere and can’t seem to be able to find them.
If it happens again, though, I will definitely send you a copy :smile: :smile: :smile: