The error I get is:
Sorry, there was an error creating the keystore. Please try again.
I verified the file path and assured the password was at least 6 characters
The error I get is:
Sorry, there was an error creating the keystore. Please try again.
I verified the file path and assured the password was at least 6 characters
Hi Will,
Can you detail the steps you used to create the keystore? Are you creating it during the process of creating a new app (in the Create New App wizard)? Are you using the latest version of DAB (11.2)? I was just able to create one on my machine with this version of DAB, so maybe there is some step you are missing along the way or something. We should be able to get you sorted out…
Hi Jeff,
I’m creating the keystore under App > Signing (Android). Note also that I’m using a Mac.
I tried it again with DAB versions 10.3 and 11.1, and I was able to create the new keystore without any issues.
This seems to be a Mac-only issue. Maybe @chrisvire or @david_moore1 can weigh in on this?
Hi all,
Neither of the two participants on Macs at our recent app builder training could create keystores. In the end I just created a keystore for one person and sent it to them to use. The other participant switched from their laptop to desktop and suddenly could create keystores. I know that’s not much help, but it does seem to be iOS-specific. Is your Mac OS up-to-date?
Note: this appeared in SAB so it’s not DAB-specific
I’m encountering this same error on a new silicon mac. Here are the specs of the machine I’m using:
Mac Mini 2023
Apple M2 Pro
macOS Sonoma 14.2.1
I should have also noted I’m using DAB 11.4 Build Release 72 (17 May 20224) on macOS.