My KMN files does not open in TIKE 17 (264 alpha)

OS : Windows 10

  1. File → Open Dialog
  2. Select my KMN file (which is last updated on 17 (230 or something Alpha)
  3. Click on open button

Expected : Open the file in TIKE
Observed : a dialog box saying “Keyman Developer has encountered a problem and needs to close.”

Details for error report for Keyman app:
Application Identifier: tike-17.0.264-alpha
Error Identifier: B3F3F668871E49AB8A82C13A65FB522E

Hi @Arun,

Thank you for reporting this issue, and I apologise for the problem.

Could you send me a copy of the file that you can’t open (via private message is fine) so I can test it here?

The error identifier was helpful – it links to this issue, which is where we will track the problem: bug(developer): EAccessViolation: Exception EAccessViolation in module tike.exe at 01A2BD01. · Issue #10684 · keymanapp/keyman · GitHub

Hello Marc

Greetings of the day!!

I sent you the file.

And TIKE 18 can open and compile that kmn perfectly.

Warm regards

Glad to hear that v18 can open the file. That means the most recent build of v17 should also be able to do the same, as the two versions are currently identical – we only branched to v18 yesterday!

Turns out that the issue was with a .kpj file, not a .kmn file. See fix(developer): crash opening invalid project by mcdurdin · Pull Request #10781 · keymanapp/keyman · GitHub; this will be fixed in Keyman Developer 17 beta.

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