I am making an android keyboard. I want to replace the globe key with a longpress of spacebar (which is idiomatic to change languages on other systems). I assigned a long press “switch language” key with ID [K_LOPT] to spacebar, but using this long press key doesn’t do anything. I have the globe key on a different layer, with [K_LOPT] as the normal key ID, and it works fine. I am testing on ios. Is there a way to have the language switch key on a long press, or is this just a bug?
We don’t allow you to remove the globe key on keyboards in our repo. I don’t know if Developer prevents your being able to do this or not.
Hi, I am making a new keyboard in Developer. When I removed the globe key I got a warning when compiling about the layer lacking required key [K_LOPT], but the warning is no longer there since I added it to the long press.
At this time, the [K_LOPT]
key is required and should be on a base key, not a longpress. We may introduce another method to switch keyboards in future versions, but it’s not a good idea to have a single keyboard with a different way to language switch – that way leads to frustration for end users.
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