iOS KMSample dependencies issues

I’m on Apple silicon, macOS version 14.3.1
Xcode version 15.2, and I have tried with both Swift toolchain 5.7 and 5.9.
Are any of your other users having trouble with the Keyman engine build for in-app keyboards?

If there are other users having trouble building this, then they have not reported it. My guess is that the updates I made to the sample projects only help on Intel Macs, which is what we still use for our builds. I would not be surprised if there is some additional change that we need to make to build these sample projects with Apple silicon.

I will not be able to look at this again until May because of all that we have going on to try to get our release out and do some tool updates. If you are able to get it building during that time, please let me know how you solved it. Sorry I can’t be of more help right now!