We have had to hand-make a number of technical improvements to Bloom PDFs in order to have them accepted by commercial printshops (documented here). It would be excellent if the Bloom PDF creation routine could incorporate these, either by default or as toggle options. Specifically:
- Create a bleed of 5 mm
- Increase the size of the page by 10 mm on all sides, in order to accommodate printer marks
- Add printer marks to all pages
- Convert all colors to CMYK
- Save the PDF as PDF/X-4 format, with a “GWG 2015” (or other appropriate) profile
In addition, one client required b/w or grayscale-only pages to be encoded as “100% Black” rather than 4-color “rich black”.
I know it is only one of the 5, but I wanted to point out that Bloom already does allow for CMYK:
Yes, it does! I was under the impression that the CMYK PDF option was only available for full-bleed ( = paper comic) template, but I’m happy to see that at least as of Bloom Beta 6.0.107 that’s not the case.
That said, there is one color profile option provided, “US Web Coated (SWOP) v2”. It seems that this is “mostly ok” for North and South American print shops, but may not be as appropriate for shops in other parts of the world: see, for example, the discussion here https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/how-all-purpose-a-color-profile-is-us-web-coated-swop-v2/m-p/10851040
Is there a way that other ICC color profiles could be added for other print environments? For instance, could it be made possible for a user to drop an ICC color profile file into the AppData\Local<Bloom version>\ColorProfiles\CMYK folder?