I just found a interesting way to type chinese characters in Keyman

we can set the rule, a + tab > b
b + tab > c
c + tab > d
if we apply those rule in theory we can type different chinese characters by pressing the TAB key constantly.

This idea comes from Japanese keyboard.
The only issue is sometimes a chinese character will have 2 or more pronunciations, and one pronunciation have 2 or more characters. if one character have too much pronunciations sometimes we must give up some chinese character to avoid bugs.

I can try to adjust the generating order to store more characters.

I can also try to store the characters as words instead of individual characters to avoid repeating.

Do you have any idea to store more characters by this rule? Can you set a new program to let us store more character and avoid repeating?

I still hope Keyman can develop a function similar with Rime.

Thank you everyone.

Hello @Cathaylab,

Thanks for bringing up this idea. Have you figured out how to work on this?
I can refer you to an existing Chinese Keyman keyboard but I don’t see the rule is applying there. If you think this is a limitation of Keyman Developer, please create a feature request.

Could you provide the link to the Japanese keyboard that is using this rule? We will have a look into it.

Thank you!

I figured out how it works, however it is just a temporary solution, I hope keyman can have its Kanji typing function in the future.

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