How to add changes to CustomCollectionStyles when in a Team Collection?


I was just experimenting with changing things in the customCollectionStyles while my collection was turned into a Team Collection. Of course my changes were reversed when the collection was opened and synchronised.

How should we go about that?

Thanks. That’s a bug. I’ll report it.

Thanks Colin for your reply to the inquirer. Same thing happened to me when I tried editing parts of the picture dictionary in the Team Viewer mode of the Beta version. Jacqueline

@ColinSuggett can you point me to that bug report? Thanks.

@JohnHatton I sent it to you (BL-10073).

Sorry we didn’t follow up on this here. We did fix the bug starting in 5.0.

Here is what our tester wrote up in the card as the fix:

To get your CustomCollectionStyles.css file propagated:

  • Only the admin can change these
  • Admin closes Bloom and edits the file
  • Opens Bloom → this triggers a sync with the repo
  • Other users file will sync the next time they open Bloom

Please let us know if you’re still having trouble after following the above.