Hello everyone.
I am making an English-Greek dictionary using FLEx. The export file type is .xhtml.
What I want to do is separate as different entries words like “break”, which could be either verbs or nouns.
Of course, this can be done by creating different entries in FLEx, one for the noun and one for the verb.
What I want (in the android app created by DAB) is for the grammatical info to appear next to the headword in the headword list instead of the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., so that the users would know in advance which part of speech they choose to look up.
For example, instead of
break1 (in my case a noun)
break2 (in my case a verb),
I would like the list to have the following format:
break (n)
break (v)
Could this be done (either in FLEx or in DAB)?
THANK YOU in advance
Have you gotten a reply yet to this interesting question? I know more about FLEx than about DAB, though I have used both. What you are suggesting should be possible in FLEx. You can configure it to make the entries appear just about any way you would like. This means that you should be able to set it so that the homonym number does not appear, but the part of speech (also called grammatical info) does appear in parentheses. The only caveat it that if you set up FLEx that way, it will appear that way for all the entries you have. That means that the homonym numbers would never appear.
A better way to do this might be to include both the noun uses and the verb uses in a single entry. They would not be homonyms, but rather two different uses of the same word/lexical entry. So for break, for example, you could have it as a noun as the first sense, with several subsenses, and then as a verb as the second sense, with several subsenses. We took that approach in a dictionary that I worked on.
Your suggestion sounds quite interesting (using different parts of speech as main senses with corresponding subsenses). However, if you go about it that way the first verb or noun (or any other part of speech for that matter) would appear having a higher status (as a sense) than its “subsenses”, something that doesn’t seem quite right. Take, for example, the verb “appeal”. It could mean “to be attractive” or to “ask for help”. Which one, in this case, would be the sense and which one the subsense?
As for configuring the dictionary in FLEx (I know this is not the right forum to ask for help but …) could you tell me how you would go about it?
Here depi has three senses as a conjunction and two senses as a preposition. This is how I wanted the entries to appear, and I got a FLEx expert to set up FLEx so it would give me the results that I wanted. I could try to explain how I have this set up in FLEx.
Using dépi as an example, the first sense is as a conjunction, but no definition is given. The definitions and example sentences go in the subsenses. Here is a screen shot from FLEx:
You can see that all it says for sense 1 is that it is a conjunction. Then for the three senses that this word has in its use as a conjunction, those are entered as subsenses (sense 1.1, sense 1.2, sense 1.3). Sense 2 of dépi is as a preposition, but no definition is given for sense 2. Instead, you will find the definitions and examples for dépi in its use as a preposition given as sense 2.1 and sense 2.2. Lexical relations can be specified at any level: the word as a whole, or the two major senses (conjunction vs. preposition) or the subsenses.
When you have to display the grammatical information next to the headword instead of using numbers in the DAB app, you can follow these steps:Create Separate Entries in FLEx and then customize Entry Format then export to .xhtml