Galaxy Greek Mnemonic On Screen Kb

Hi, I have installed the Keyman Galaxy Greek Mnemonic Keyboard on a PC with the QWERTZ internal layout. But what the Galaxy Mnemonic Keyboard ON SCREEN Kb suggests is not what I see printed. True, the QWERTZ layout in Help is what I am printing on the PC Kb, they do coincide indeed, but then the ON SCREEN Kb layout is of no avail indeed. - I cannot see any other way out than only be printing on the PC Kb instead of the ON SCREEN Kb offered.
So, I would have to print out the QWERTZ layout and have it put down nearby the PC to look both at the screen and print-out at once, which is not comfortable. Because the ON SCREEN layout is not compliant.

Any ideas, please?

You might need to go into the Keyman Configuration (right-click on the Keyman icon in the bottom right of the taskbar and select “Configuration” on the right. Then go to the Options tab. At the bottom of the screen select base keyboard:

And then select German - Swiss-German. I think that will make it so it recognizes that you have a QWERTZ keyboard. There may be other keyboards that are QWERTZ, but I’m pretty sure that one is.

Thank you very much for having advised me. Alas, German was set automatically, so recognized initially though. Changing settings to Swiss German, German IBM caused no real changes. Had I to re-start the PC though changes apply
immediately? - Suppose, no. - Hence, it seems that the app is underdeveloped if tried with a standard German hardware keyboard, which has been recognized as German, but not properly usable.

keyman German

Ok, after looking at this again, I think because the keyboard is mnemonic it shouldn’t even have an on-screen keyboard because it will only be correct for QWERTY users.

Unfortunately, you don’t really have a good solution. You may just need to learn which keys are associated with which Latin letter. Since it’s loosely a phonetic keyboard I hope you can learn the keystrokes.

Oh, it’s very kind of you to come back to this issue again. I am actively working with 9 other langs, so one another with so many clues will disturb my writing plans and jobs. Lord save you for your thoughts that did not leave me hitherto.
I have merely installed the Greek Classical Kb, now it does work as expected.
Thanks once again for coming back for the issue’s sake.

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Yes unfortunately you’ve hit a gap in the support for ‘mnemonic’ layout support in Keyman at this time – the On Screen Keyboard does not support repositioning the key labels according to the base keyboard.

I thought we had an open issue on this but I haven’t been able to locate it, so I’ve created issue #9021 to track this.

Firstly, all keyboards are at some rate mnemonic, so its naming is anyway misleading if mnemonic; secondly, such a behavior has a non-professional looking; thirdly, Keyman wins if compared to other Old Greek keyboards that even if successfully installed on Windows10, as messaged, then being not viewable or observable at all, and if so, then only in Keyman operable, alas. So, I cannot say NO to Keyman. Now, I have installed, the Greek Classical Kb as an alternative, and I feel myself satisfied.