Feature Request: Button to UPDATE ALL items from original sources (Applies to KAB, SAB, etc)

Having cycled through the testing process hundreds of times in the last day, the tedious and error-prone part has been select keyboard, hit delete, yes to confirm, click Add keyboard, click Browse, navigate to KMP file, select it, click Open, click Other font, navigate, select it, click Open, Click OK. And again for each keyboard and lexical model.

Could we please have a toolbar button (maybe between “New App…” and “Save”) labelled “Update” that will update all source files from their original sources? Any keyboard, lexical model, font, book, or audio file for which the original source has been updated should then be updated in one click.

This would be such a time-saver, and a great safety measure for catching the pieces that one would have forgotten to update.


I only just noticed that this was not labeled as a feature request. I have changed it now.

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Absolutely +1 from me.

I am new to Keyman and KAB and I noticed how tedious this is. I had assumed that I am (still) doing it wrong and that eventually I would figure out how to do it right.

Of course KAB is great. And could always become better, where it makes sense. This is an issue where my old slogan would apply: Programmers should use their own products for real: at least each new team member should use the product for say 160 hours and report to the veterans.

(Same problem actually in Keyman for creating packages of keyboards and models. I improve a keyboard and the packager keeps using an older version that I had “included” a day earlier. Within Keyman I had wrongly assumed that - since the entire tool is called a Developer - that it would only “reference” files to go into any package, rather than grab a cold copy. Had to do some tests with names and versions to figure that one out.)