Different language names between collection setting and PDF file naming

It has always been helpful that when publishing to PDF, Bloom includes the language name as part of the suggested filename. But why does it use a different list from the one used when creating a new collection? It is not a big problem (the suggested PDF filename can be edited) but I am curious about the discrepancy. It looks like the PDF filenames are based on ISO 639, but the Collection Settings names are the updated Ethnologue ones (preferred).

Bloom uses the language name you tell it to use. Here, I’ve told it to use 'Merican instead of English:

And so I get

This is not the behaviour I observe with 2 Nigerian languages so far - Kamuku [cdr] and Kuce [ruk]. There is no need to change the names in the Collection settings but the PDF filenames still default to the older Ethnologue names.

Go ahead and report that bug, thanks.
