Creating Stores from Other Stores

Hello All,

Please let me know if there is already a way to do this. If not I can open it as a feature request. Very often I would like to add stores together, in a form like:

store(Vowels) 'AEIOU'

store(ConsonantsAndVowels) any(Consonants) + any(Vowels)

where set arithmetic takes place where to add the two stores together. Less frequently, set subtraction would also be useful, thus the syntax with an operator above.

thank you,


I think you want outs. See outs()

store(Vowels) 'AEIOU'

store(ConsonantsAndVowels) outs(Consonants) outs(Vowels)

I can’t think of a subtraction equivalent.


There’s no subtraction equivalent :grin:

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