Create keystore

with step app signing I press create keystore and fill planks its give me massage (sorry, there was an error creating the KeyStore, please try again)

    1. List item
      version 10.4
  • Android SDK installation
    tools 9.0
    Build tools 32.0.0
    Platform tools 34.0.3
    Platform API (Android 12 (API 31))

  • Keystore and password
    file name: keystore1
    folder: C:\Users\ralfareh\OneDrive\Decuments\App Builder\Dictionary Apps\App Projects
    Password: 6 characters
    key alias: key1

*Certificate Issuer (my data)

Can you help to solve this error?

Have you installed the JDK? If you have not installed that then you are unable to create the keystore.

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Yes i instilled it(zulu11.58.23-ca-fx-jdk11.0.16.1)

If you copied and pasted this folder name, then that might be your problem, since you have “Decuments” instead of “Documents”.

If that’s not the problem, can you send a screen shot of the Keystore creation page(s) that you filled out?

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Yes it’s Solved thanks.

what about tis error??
C:\Users\ralfareh\AppData\Local\Temp\App Builder\build\DAB.002\a>call gradle clean assembleRelease --warning-mode=none