Click/press to hear a sentence


The entire audio of the sentences is played when a page is turned.
Someone can’t listen to a specific sentence,

There should be a click-to-play option in Bloom Reader in upcoming version.


@Raja thanks for this feature request. That would be a great feature to add.

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Thanks @JohnHatton for appreciating my request. I hope in the next version of Bloom we’ll find that one.

Here are some more specifics regarding the feature.
Bloom may play the audio of the entire page on the page turn. After that, Bloom should repeat the specific sentence that is clicked by the user.


I hope in the next version of Bloom we’ll find that one.

Alas, it’s extremely rare that we are able to fulfill a feature request in the next release. Sorry about that. We have far, far more requests than our small team can keep up with.