Change font and formatting in About box

I would like to put some Arabic script text in the About box of one of my RAB apps, and have added the Scheherazade font as font2, but don’t know what tags to use to “select” that font. If I just insert the text, it appears properly on my phone, but not in the Scheherazade font - it uses some default font on my phone. I would prefer to specify the font so that it has a better chance of showing up correctly on older Android phones as well. Any hints on right-aligning the paragraph would also be appreciated. Adding something like this:

<p font-family: "font2"; style="text-align:right"> Arabic text... </p>

doesn’t seem to evoke any change in the way that paragraph is displayed.

The About box instructions say “You can use HTML formatting styles such as…”, but apparently there are limits to what formatting can be used, so thanks for any help you can give in understanding the possibilities and limits.