Cannot test touch keyboard layout

I successfully compile my touch layout, there are no errors.
When I go to “Build” and click on “Test keyboard on web” then “Open debugger in local browser” I get this:

Chrome is fully up to date:

Version 94.0.4606.61 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Those warnings can be ignored; it’s just a couple of source map files that are not present. We may add them in future just to avoid the warnings, but they are not relevant for testing a Keyman keyboard.

But I am not seeing any of my changes in the test layout. I built the keyboard for tablet, and I switch to iPad or Galaxy 5 in the tester, and I don’t see any changes.

My touch layout:

  "tablet": {
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Okay, we’d need more information to be able to figure out what is going on here. Can you share your project files and the precise steps you took to start testing it?

Project files:

Video (GIF format) of testing process


I took your new test project. I got it up and running. I tested the touch keyboard. And everything work fine and as expected.

Maybe I should come by tomorrow and see what you are exactly doing?


After pressing F12 to activate mobile emulation, you need to reload the page so that KeymanWeb gets a chance to detect the change of device. (Same thing applies if you change the type of device.)

In Keyman Developer 15, this will no longer be necessary – you will not need to use device emulation as Keyman Developer will be able to present the mobile device view itself. See

Thanks, I’ve gotten it to work now.

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This conversation has been resolved.