Bloom Reader 3.2.4 APK

@JohnHatton @Koen We are sending a large shipment of preloaded smartphones to PNG including Bloom Reader. Not knowing about the upgrade, we installed the 3.2.3 APK from Bloom Library: Home.

We do not have Google accounts for all the intended users therefore we cannot log these phones onto Google Play to get Bloom Reader 3.2.4. Data connections and updates are difficult in PNG. Could you send me the updated APK, or update your website?


Sorry about that @Loren. We’ve uploaded the 3.2.4 APK version now.


John and others,

Thanks for the update. The older 3.2.3 APK also worked fine, but due to some of us (me) being remote the confusion we had was that the “ancient” 1.4.1 for Android 4.4 was previously installed on the phones, and that old version didn’t have the 'Open BloomPUB file" option. But even with the older 3.2.3 (and now the 3.2.4) all is well: we are loading up the user guide for using the phone and projector (this guide is a Bloom book) that are part of a “Solar Projector Kit” that Education For Life is distributing in PNG.
