๐ŸŽ‰ Announcing the release of Bloom 5.5

Thank you to everyone who helped us test Bloom 5.5 while it was in Beta. It is now the Release.

See: Whatโ€™s new in 5.5


If you are using an older Release version, Bloom should automatically ask to update itself. Otherwise, you can get 5.5 from the Bloom downloads page. As usual, you can have the Release & Beta versions installed at the same time, and open books in either one.

If you have any questions about these new features, please ask them here on this forum. If you find bugs, please use Help:Report a Problem and include your book. If you need to use email, please send to issues@bloomlibrary.org.

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John and the whole Bloom team,

Thanks for your good explanation in the release notes on why you needed to break away from using geckofx (and thus need to discontinue Linux releases โ€ฆ hopefully to return in the future but I understand your needing to be non-committal). Your notes were well worded, technically accessible, and helpful. I will reference them when communicating with other Linux users as to the reasons and process behind the discontinuation of newer versions of Bloom for Linux.
