Adjusting Cover Margins

Hi everyone,

We could use some help in fixing the layout of covers.

  • Any ideas on how to get the cover image centered?

  • Is there a way to eliminate the box above the language name?

Download the BloomPack of this book here:

Any help is greatly appreciated,

For the EFL team,

Koen den Hartogh

Images are, by default, centered in their container and fill the max dimension, so something in your custom css is causing the image to not be centered. I tried removing all the custom css and get

To hide the author/illustrator box, you can add
.creditsRow {display:none}
to your custom css.

For the image, it looks like your custom rule is not specific enough to overcome the rule in the xmatter, so you can do
.A6Portrait.outsideFrontCover .marginBox img { max-width: unset; }
.A6Portrait .marginBox img { max-width: unset !important; }

Great! That’s what I was looking for.