Testing CAPS on Touch

Thank you Keyman team for going out of your way for me again! I guess it is a symbiotic relationship as I stress-test your newest features and give you complex configurations you can use for regression testing.

I knew that caps was newly supported in web and didn’t realize that multi-tap was only partially supported until reading the beta release announcement.

With the new fix, the special jumps on my capped keyboard will only fully work with beta 16.0.96+ (I don’t expect this would be back-ported to 15), but should work as I’m currently seeing it (see testing table) in v15, right?

I’ll finish testing my full version on beta and probably rebuild my Android app with the beta KMEA (it has always been on a beta version). I can’t decide whether to submit a version to keymanapp/keyboards with a temporary bug no-one is likely to notice, or wait until 16 goes stable to submit a version including these four nextlayers.

Unless someone wants to give me access to teamcity or a zip, I’ll look for 16.0.96 when it builds beta. (Developer is suggesting 17.0.2 alpha which is too old to have the fix, so I’m waiting.)

Would it be helpful for me to write a mid-length article about the nextlayer considerations I had while working through this?

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