Ojibwe Syllabics Keyboard Missing Vowels


In Ojibwe there are single and double vowels. Double vowels are indicated by a dot to the left.

po poo
ᐳ ᑀ

Incorrect Keyman Ojibwe keyboard:

po poo
ᐳ ᐳᐅ

How do I make a double syllable? Someone asked this already a year ago and there was no resolution.


press u + short vowel to make the long vowel syllabic

press u + consonant + short vowel to make the consonant and long vowel combo

I literally pressed every key on the board to figure this out. I got lucky.

Hi @chialin, welcome to the community. Nice that you found a way to it. Please find what I found below relevant with your inquiry.

The keymap [sic] file contains a documentation of how to use the keyboard. You may want to download the ones that suit your need.

Here is where you can find them:

The link should take you to a page contains various documentations to keyboards authored by languagegeek.


I found a section on how to type long vowels in each of the documents. Number 3 is the promising one. If it is not what you are looking for, read on. :slight_smile:

Hi Makara,

I already read that page prior to contacting you. The information is incorrect. Pressing shift does not bring up the long vowel on the keyman keyboard. I invite you to try it.

Instead, I found that pressing u prior to the vowel creates the double vowel. However, this is not indicated in any instruction manual. I discovered it by pressing every key on the keyboard in a blind attempt.

Chia Lin

Thank you for the heads up. This keyboard package is interesting. The Shift key functionality doesn’t work at all on my MAC. If we haven’t missed anything critical, both shift and unshift versions of each vowel key produce the same output instead of what’s expected, i.e.

I notice that this keyboard layout does not match the QWERTY layout. The documentation here do need a little bit of a brush up.

The document above keeps mentioning “Transitional Syllabic Chart” which most likely is this one Ojibwe Syllabarium – Languagegeek. Typing what’s on the left most column and then what’s on the top row does output the expected characters, i.e. w+e outputs ᐌ, w+i outputs ᐎ, w+o outputs ᐒ and w+a outputs ᐗ, etc…

Note to the keyboard author, what’s not working is the double presses on the vowel keys does not output the expected character, i.e. i+i outputs ᐃᐃ instead of the exptected character.

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cf. Ojibwe keyboard double vowels, "w" - #7 by chialin

As mentioned in the other thread,

Perhaps you can contact languagegeek about getting the keyboard documentation updated.

This thread has been relayed to LanguageGeek via its contact form submission. Hope to hear from them soon.

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Thank you for looking into this Makara. This is a perfect analysis. I hope to see an update from languagegeek.

This conversation has been resolved.