Backspace seems bugging and unreliable

Backspace works only when I hold it down, press repeatedly, and/or hold down shift, ctrl, or alt. What gets it to work is very inconsistent.
I am using Arno’s Engram on Ubuntu 22.04. The problem is not there on my windows 11.

My problem seems similar to Backspace not working properly - #5 by EberhardBeilharz, except the problem is there in all programs, and especially in the terminal.

Welcome to the community, @Kagumo.

Thank you for reporting this issue. Could you share with us the version of Keyman for Linux you are using and having this issue with? Also, please share the name of the keyboard and the language you are using while encountering this issue.

Use a terminal to find:
the version of Keyman

km-config --version

WIthout adding the Keyman ppa, I think Ubuntu 22.04 will install Keyman 14.0.

Following @EberhardBeilharz 's instructions on updating the ppa

I get km-config version 16.0.141

I think the patched ibus verision also appears:

dpkg -l ibus | grep ibus

where I get

Let us know if you’re on these current versions and still having issues with backspace.

km-config version 16.0.141 (package version 16.0.141-1~sil1~jammy)
ii  ibus           1.5.26-4     amd64        Intelligent Input Bus - core

Using Arno’s Engram, which is English
The problem seems to also go away when typing in a form (e.g. Username or pass)

Were you on Keyman 16.0 this whole time?

I added the Keyman ppa

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:keymanapp/keyman

When I updated to Keyman 16.0, I had to reboot and then my ibus was 1.5.26-4sil2.1.1.1~jammy. With the patched ibus, the backspace worked for me.

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