Text to speech record

Please after I have recorded an audio of my book in Bloom, it merges all the records I have made all pages and plays it for me at once, so I hear a lot things at a go, even if I have option “split” or record the whole text then Bloom will split into sentences later.

Hi Lansah. Thanks for using Bloom! I am not exactly sure what you question is. Maybe we could meet via Zoom to interact on this? Let me know if you are interested in that.

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Please I am interested in meeting via zoom

I have sent you a link privately.

Please after I have recorded an audio of my book in Bloom, it merges all the records I have made in all the pages and plays it for me at once, so I hear a lot things at a go, even if I have used option “split” or record the whole text then Bloom will split into sentences later, I still have same problem with merging all the records. Thank you.