Scheherazade New Lam-Alif ligature with Hamza issue

Dear all,

There seems to be an issue with the Lam-Alif ligature with Hamza on top of Alif in InDesign: the Hamza appears above the Lam in stead of above the Alif:

This does not happen consistently, and I cannot isolate what causes this. This happens in Indesign (windows) 18.5 and 19.4, and gets exported like this to PDF.

Hi Peter, and welcome to the community!

Could you provide some additional information, please:

  • What is the version of Scheherazade New font that you are using?
  • From what site did you download the font?
  • Does the problematic text sequence contain exactly the Unicode character codepoints 0644,0627,0654 or are there different/other characters involved?

Dear Bobh,

  1. Version: 4.000
  2. from the SIL website
  3. the sequence is 0644 [ل] followed by 0623 [أ]

I have isolated it a bit further: this happens (not consistenly) when an OpenType diacritic positioning is applied:


When ‘normal’ (non-OT) is applied, it appears correct (which is my workaround now):


I’m glad you have a work around. Our code specifically positions the diacritics so we haven’t really thought about how an application might change the position. I’m not sure we want to go there!

Anyway, I also wanted to comment that our latest fonts have different weights, so instead of italicizing the Arabic text (which is certainly unusual) you may just want to choose a different weight to make it look different.

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Dear Lorna,

Thank you. I will just stick with the workaround then.

Yes, the slanted Arabic is a point of discussion, but in this case a specific author request.

Thanks again!