We are looking for a sans-serif font to use for the title on hymn page scans. Our current font (Oregon LDO) matches stylistically with the hymn titles seen in hymnals, but it has more limited diacritic support compared to Times New Roman. Do you have any recommendations for classic sans-serif fonts with good diacritic support?
September 6, 2024, 5:36pm
Hi. You forgot to mention whether you need free fonts or would also consider commercial quality typefaces.
What is the context, a book for sale, or some non-profit project?
For example, you might like Proza Display by Bureau Roffa
And you can check here, whether the diacritics you need are included:
September 6, 2024, 5:59pm
I did you a search here, where you can find a number of typefaces that ressemble your Oregon more or less.
I leave you the work to check them all out for the glyph inventories:
Identifont selection by similarities
hth, let us know what you find please
September 6, 2024, 6:09pm
You could use our Andika font. That’s our only sans-serif font with rich support for Latin diacritics.
Since this is a support community for SIL fonts, not a general font forum, you may get more ideas from other sites, such as Typedrawers .
Thanks! It is an online publication with some public domain hymns but other hymns that can receive royalties.
I will look into the options that you found and see if any of them will work for our case.
Thanks! We are hoping to find a font that is stylistically closer to our current font, so I will check on Typedrawers.