RPM or FlatPak?

Has anyone in the community compiled the Keyman Keyboard Manager as an RPM? Or Flatpak?

I’ve been using Keyman for over 20 years on Windows but have recently started using Linux. While I have used Keyman on Mint & Debian, I really like Fedora but there’s no version for it. There’s no RPM or Flatpak. While the keyboard builder is available as a Flatpak, the manager is not.

I’ve also tried Alien to convert the deb file to rpm. It didn’t work. I’m guessing the integration in the OS is too much for that program.

I know the development team is small and limited in what it can do. I was hoping that someone in the community might have been able to get it to work. Anyone?

My dream is for the Team to build it as a FlatPak. Then, it would work in most distros of Linux.

Welcome back to the community site @michaeljbarnes,

Sorry to hear about your difficulties. Currently, Keyman is supported on Debian but not on Fedora.

FYI @EberhardBeilharz .

I’m not sure if Keyman as flatpak package is possible because of the tight integration with the OS. I created issue #12880 to track this.

Regarding installing on Fedora, you could try to build from source by following these instructions. Those talk about Ubuntu, but they should also work for Fedora if you adjust the names of the packages for the dependencies.