How can I change the options and buttons available to the WeSay user after the initial time I configured it for them?
I tried to run WeSay as administrator, which ran the configuration tool again but didn’t show my project as one of the options. Please help!
In WeSay there are two separate programs: “WeSay” and “WeSay Configuration Tool”. The simplest way to switch to the configuration tool once you have a WeSay project already open is to use the hidden right click menu on the home screen.
Here’s an example:
You’ll also notice that a “Configure This Project” button also shows up in the bottom status bar of the window, but only if you came from the Configuration Tool previously.
Once in the Configuration Tool, you can configure which tasks/actions a user sees:
Does this help?
Yes! The info at the very first red arrow on the first screen shot is what I needed.
I did not know about the right-click on the blank parts of the menu to access the configuration tool. Maybe I missed something, but I couldn’t find anything showing me this in the pdf documentation I accessed.
I saw that configuration tool button at the bottom once during my attempts to get my FLEx dictionary sent to another machine, but then once I finally got everything set up, it disappeared and I had no idea how to get it back.
Thank you, Chris.
You can also run it directly. Just press the Windows start key and then
type “WeSay Configuration Tool”.
Sounds good…lets get it over with