On Screen Keyboard Shift, Ctrl on guest virtual machine

Hello fellows,

The on screen keyboard’s Shift,Ctrl key’s isn’t working while we use host OS Keyman on screen keyboard function on guest OS. And The ` (backtick, it is near to 1) and ’ (apostrophe, it is near to ; ) is working only pressed 2 times. The Letters and numbers are working fine…

Any solution to this?.

Kind regards

Hello Suresh,

Could you let me know the keyboard name that you’re having issue with? and the operating system that you’re using?

I’m using Windows 11 that host Ubuntu on a virtual machine and I haven’t encounter the issue you described. I can normally use shift and ctrl key.

Please update Keyman to the latest version.


Even the normal keyboard ENG(EN-US).

I’m using Keyman which is installed on Host Windows 11… The active window is guest windows xp

Yeah. Using latest one

I’m physically challenged. So, I use mostly on screen keyboard with mouse click.


Generally for virtual machines, you should run Keyman inside the guest OS, rather than attempting to do the translation from the host OS. For Windows XP, you’ll need Keyman 8.0: https://downloads.keyman.com/windows/stable/8.0.361.0/keymandesktop-8.0.361.0.exe

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Yeah, Using Keyman inside the guest OS is only solution. But Having two onscreen keyboard isn’t that much good. Let me try with any other onscreen keyboard that support all. Thank you for your support @Marc & @nyny


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