Numbers in shift, caps and normal state

Please review.
[NCAPS K_1] > ‘1’ c Only matches the ‘1’ key if CAPS_LOCK is not pressed.
[NCAPS K_2] > ‘2’
[CAPS K_1] > ‘i’ c Only matches the ‘1’ key if CAPS_LOCK is pressed.
[CAPS K_2] > ‘ii’
[SHIFT K_1] > ‘a’
[SHIFT K_2] > ‘b’
This is working in debugging. It is not working , when installed.

Does this work correctly in the 10.0 beta? Download from

Changing to single quotes ' this works (using Desktop 10.0.1086.0)

+ [NCAPS K_1] > '1' c Only matches the ‘1’ key if CAPS_LOCK is not pressed.
+ [NCAPS K_2] > '2'
+ [CAPS K_1] > 'i' c Only matches the ‘1’ key if CAPS_LOCK is pressed.
+ [CAPS K_2] > 'ii'
+ [SHIFT K_1] > 'a'
+ [SHIFT K_2] > 'b'

I had to verify a few times that Keyman Desktop had this installed keyboard active, but it worked (in Notepad)

I have created the example outside Keyman developer, so the editor must have formatted the quotes.
Quotes was not an issue in in version 9.0.
I will have to move over to version 10. and test. I will let you know.

Thanks for checking.

I confirm, caps lock numbers as intended in 10.0.1086.0 in Windows 10 and also in mac.

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