Need help with creating new project

Tried to create a new project but it just wont let me click OK


Did you complete all the fields (including the Description)? It’s very helpful to get all the fields right when creating a project (so you don’t later have to correct all the places they show up).

well, description is not really needed, as im creating one keyboard preset for my conlang so i can send it to my friends, i did give it a name, i did do the path correctly, i have no idea whats wrong

one thing i was told that maybe since i have it under user documents its blocked by the windows system?

yep that was the problem its fixed now!

another problem, trying to create a package but it told me that the kmx. file was not found but its there only problem is it made an incirrect file path and idk how to change it

In Keyman Developer, under the Project menu, Project Settings will bring up a dialog. The Output path indicates where the .kmx (and other compiled files) will be placed. Normally it is $PROJECTPATH\build , that is, a folder called “build” under the project folder. When specifying the files for the package (using “Packaging” at the bottom, then selecting the .kps file, then the Files tab on the left), you can navigate to the correct location.

did a bit of tweaking but i ran into another problem, i didnt specify to which language should the keyboard be assigned and now idk where and how to assign it

That’s in the .kps file under the Keyboards tab.

dont think you understood. it gave me this error “The keyboard sintuliv should have at least one language specified”

Maybe I don’t understand, but you said a language needed to be assigned and you didn’t know where. That is in the .kps file, under the Keyboards tab and in the languages part where it says “BCP 47 tag” you should click on Add and add your language tag.