Another tangential question:
Is there a way to display the keys while working on the Touch Layout. Both the Design and Code tabs don’t properly show the glyphs:
I have found this to be a problem with unencoded scripts and I’m not 100% sure of the solution. I think I’ve resolved it before by selecting Web fonts… and selecting the font again.
Try it anyway.
In Keyman Developer, from the Keyboard menu, select Fonts. This will bring up a dialog for selecting the fonts used in various places. Check that your font is specified.
Yes this is an unencoded script. I selected the Web fonts button in the Keyboards tab of the .kps file and selected the font (they were unselected before), recompiled, but the keys are still unlabeled on the app as seen in the picture in my original post
Ok, I’m sorry. What I’ve been encouraging you to do is helpful to make sure the font displays once the keyboard is installed. I think this may be a bug in Developer. We have the same issue with another keyboard:
So, I’d suggest you test on the web Build / Compile keyboard / Test keyboard on web / Open in browser and then select your keyboard and the device you want to test:
There are a bunch of possibilities – it could be related to the font facename or filename having a single quote character in it, or it could be an issue with parsing the font.
Could you share a zip of the keyboard source and the font, so that I can try and reproduce the issue here?
Sure thing; here’s a zip of the source folder from the Keyman Developer project. I also placed the font in there. The font wasn’t originally in the folder; I added it to the .kps through the add file button
I originally wanted to send a zip of the entire project folder, but it was too big to send here. Let me know if that’s what you wanted and I can email it to you (556.2 KB)
@drowe I tried your recommendation of Keyboard menu > Font > select font for Touch Layout and it fixed the display issue in the Touch Layout design tab for a different unencoded script mobile keyboard I’m working on. It still doesn’t work for this thread’s script, perhaps due to an apostrophe in this thread’s script’s name
OK, I have reproduced this issue here in the touch layout editor, and it does relate to the quote character in the font face name. We will have a fix in 18.0 for that.
Is the issue present in the deployed keyboard in the app as well?