List of languages available?

I would like to know if the Bloom Library website offers a list of the names of all the currently 472 languages in the Library in which mother tongue materials have been published.

As a literacy consultant, I have for some time been supporting a group of adult language educators to develop an online resource hub which provides links to the many websites (including the Bloom Library) which provide books in minority languages. For each website, we list the languages which feature on it. See Online Resources in Learners' Mother Tongue ā€” Literacy Education and Second Language Learning for Adults

I am currently in the process of updating the language lists on the resource hub, so I need to be able to check what languages have been added to the Library since a colleague first compiled the list a year or two ago. I would be glad of your advice.

Thank you.


Hi Ian. I made this for you.

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Dear John,

Much obliged!

But what order is this list in? I know I can reorder it but Iā€™m wondering why the language names appear to be in a random order.

Thank you.
