Hi Ian, I appreciate your reply.
Indeed the trick, or workaround seems to be to not change the filename of the imported flex export, but manually rename the exported file to the filename already in use in DAB.
I think, and please correct me if I am wrong, that DAB, when offered a new lexicon source file, will build up a new set of markers, styles etc, and basically discards any carefully finetuned layout features.
Another workaround, is to backup the DAB project (either outside of DAB or as a copy inside of DAB), reload a new source when needed (resulting in a garbled view), then quit DAB and in the .appdef file, manually copy the styles section (and other sections etc according to need) from the backup. This restored the view in my case, but it is complex, as it involves comparing long .appdef files and copying over sections.
However, I think, if in the new source there are fields not previously used in the export, and thus also not previously used in DAB, these may not display correctly. If however the new source is one with just more or fewer entries but covering the same fields, that should work.
I also get the garbled view in flex itself sometimes (both via tools - configure - dictionary as well as the “show dictionary preview”, and suspect that this influences the way DAB imports the flex xhtml and displays it. I discovered that in flex, the configurationsettings\dictionary, files like preview.css can cause the problem in flex.
I compared the files in that directory when the garbled view (or no preview at all) occurred in flex with files from a backup with a perfect preview setup. It turned out that by manually replacing the files (preview.css and .fwdictconfig files) in configurationsettings\dictionary with the files from the backup, that this restored both the configure - dictionary as well as the “show dictionary preview” (pre)view in flex. I have a feeling that since the xhtml export that DAB is using is based on what flex produces, that in fact the display problem in DAB hinge on what may reside in Flex.