Latest KAB version is 12.4 - 11 January 2025

See release notes or Download or KAB support


Hi! lan_McQuay!
I wonder if we have also KAB support for IOS? it would be awesome.
or are you guy on the way to support KAB for IOS?

Best Regard- Mayrich

At the moment there is no iOS support. You can use the Keyman app for iOS. It is just not localized for one language.

I am checking on plans. Nothing I can read, says it is in planning,

We don’t have plans to implement this for iOS.

It is quite difficult to get apps accepted for the App Store, As a KAB app would only install one or a few keyboards, it would not likely pass the store’s features criterion.

Use Keyman, SIL has made it free.

@Ian_McQuay, How about Windows phone? I know someone that this keyboard will be useful to, but he uses Windows phone.

Windows phone technology came and failed to gain significant market share. As there are few devices with this OS, and the numbers decreasing, we have no plans to support it.

Sorry, we can’t do everything people want us to do.

Noted. Thanks @Ian_McQuay

KAB version 2.1 released, replacing 2.0.1

KAB version 2.2 released, replacing 2.1

KAB version 2.3 released, replacing 2.2

KAB version is 2.4, replaces SAB version 2.3.

KAB version 2.5, replaces KAB version 2.4.

KAB 2.6.2 was released on 23 March 2021 to fix some installation issues.

KAB 2.6.3 was released on 31 March 2021

KAB 2.6.5 was released 4 May 2021.

I would really be interested in a Keyboard App for iOS. It would be great if users didn’t have to install Keyman. Also having a dedicated app in the AppStore would make our language keyboards more findable. So far we have had no problems submitting iOS apps. Thanks.

KAB 3.0 was released 4 Aug 2021.

From 2.6.5 to 9.0?
Just curious of the version numbering.

Sorry corrected now.

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