Hello! I recently installed Keyman to type in IPA on two different laptops. My experience has been on both laptops: once I switch over to IPA, for a short amount of time everything works well, but usually after a bit my typing switches over to all caps. I make sure I didn’t accidently hit caps lock, and I switch back from IPA to the standard English (US) keyboard, but it remains in this non-functioning all caps state. After this sometimes it reverts to normal, but usually I have to reboot to regain function. One of my laptops only seems to have the all caps negative effect, but my other laptop has additional negative effects: unable to click on certain things, a different start menu…potentially some other things I haven’t noticed. Also, to clarify, I didn’t have any of these issues before installing Keyman. Any advice would be welcome! Thanks:)
Welcome to the community site @Andrew.Nieveen,
I’m sorry that you’re experiencing difficulty in using Keyman. Is this the IPA keyboard that you have issued with?
You mentioned that the keyboard suddenly switch to all caps and it only revert back to normal after you reboot the computer. Sadly I couldn’t reproduce this behavior.
Can I know what OS are you using? and please update Keyman to the latest version.
If this behavior occur again, try open the On-Screen Keyboard (shift + alt + k) and unselect the shift or capslock keys. I hope this might help.
Thank you so much for your responses!
I will try that next time.
I am running Windows 11 Pro.
I just updated it, so hopefully that will help. Sorry, I didn’t realize a newer version had been released.
Thanks again.
I have also been having this problem for several months now. I use Windows 10, and update Keyman frequently. I have not figured out when or why I am suddenly writing in all caps, but it also effects (as was mentioned) other strange behavior, such as clicking on an email to open it, the email will open in a separate window. I have always had to reboot to solve the problem. Switching back to the English keyboard does not solve the problem.
I will try the solution you, nyny, suggest next time this happens.
Please let me know if this issue occur again.