Keyman IPA SIL keyboard doesn't show up

I have the Keyman 17.0.332 and it has worked just fine for me until now. One day I went to use the IPA SIL keyboard and only got regular English characters. I tried exiting keyman and restarting, but that time it wouldn’t type anything at all. I tried typing in a word document and it worked just fine, but woudn’t work on anything in Chrome (where I need it). I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the keyboard with no luck. Tried uninstalling keyman and reinstalling, installed the IPA SIL keyboard - and now it doesn’t even show up on my list of keyboards, even after multiple re-installs, restarting keyman and restarting my laptop. I’m now using the Windows Keyboard layout for IPA IPAMSKLC_US_1.4, but it is much less intuitive and I’d prefer to go back to IPA SIL.

Welcome to the community site @Sally_Thompson,

Sorry for the late respond. I had tested the keyboard on my Windows 11 with Keyman 17.0.332 and Chrome 131.0.6778.86 and everything seems to work correctly.

Could you try to update your Chrome to the latest version?


Thank you for the suggestion. After I updated Chrome, I uninstalled and reinstalled the IPA SIL keyboard and it worked.

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