Keyman 17 crashes, even after re-installing

I am trying to use Keyman for Windows 17.0.332. It seems to install successfully, but then won’t run. The error code is different every time. Here is one example:

I uninstalled it and re-installed it with no change. For my last install, I tried using the “repair” option from the Settings – Installed Apps menu. It said it found some files that needed to be updated, but after it finished, Keyman still crashed when I tried to open it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Thanks for catching the Error information. Please allow us some time to find the underlying problem for this issue reported on GitHub.

Could you let us know if this is your first installation, or an update from a previous version?

While we take a look at the issue, would you be able to give Keyman another uninstall via the Control Panel then restart, install Keyman and restart?

Thank you so much for your help!

It is my first installation, not an update.

Got it, will do. Thank you!

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It worked!! I’m thankful, but confused. How on earth did you do that? Thank you!

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I am glad @mengheng was able help you get it working.
Can I ask what was the name of the Keyman install file you downloaded to run the install?
Did you search by language and then select a keyboard when you downloaded keyman? Or did you just install Keyman without any keyboards.
The reason I ask is I am trying to reproduce the crash you saw was in the case of installing Keyboard and Keyman with the one installation file.
Thanks Ross.

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Thank you! All three times I installed, I was just installing Keyman without any keyboards.

I’m trying to attach a screenshot but it says I can’t attach media in this post. The downloaded file name was keyman-17.0.332.exe. Is that what you need?

It seemed to install properly, but then crashed and gave me this error code: 6955EAC5C6FB4949BA060319783E8182.

Does the error code help you at all? I didn’t save it every time Keyman crashed but I saved 6 of them and I can send those to you if that’s helpful.

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I’ve updated your user permissions. Can you try attaching the screenshot again?

That will help us get to the bottom of the issue, thank you. @ross I have opened an issue which links to the Sentry error report: #12905

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Thank you so much, that is awesome!

Here is the page I downloaded from with the download pop-up in the corner.