Is there a way to make the combinations of two letter keys produce one character?

Hi, I’m producing a keyboard on windows that uses medieval latin scribal abbreviations, and I would like to know if it would be possible to do something like it’s done with some Japanese keyboards. For example: key E + key T + Space = ⁊, key U + key S + Space = ꝯ. I wasn’t able to find any way to do that yet. Could you help me?

Welcome to the community site @FelesLucis,

Are you referring to Tironian notes?

I think you can try something like this:

+ [SHIFT K_E] > 'E'
+ [SHIFT K_T] > 'T'
+ [SHIFT K_U] > 'U'
+ [SHIFT K_S] > 'S'
+ [K_SPACE] > U+0020

'ET' + [K_SPACE]> U+204A c ⁊
'US' + [K_SPACE]> U+A76F c ꝯ

For more details, take a look at Language Structure.


I think you idea is meaningful and I think the keyman should have this rule in the future.
Because sometime that order to put the key in will change determine the rule in different way