Iota Subscript

I have a Windows 10 operating system with the Greek Polytonic Unicode keyboard downloaded. I’m using Word 2016. I’ve tried Ctrl+Alt+i and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+i to get the iota subscript and nothing works.

Can you please advise as it is critical for my Greek homework?

Thank you!

Welcome to the community razosk!
This is a keyboard for which we don’t have the ability to update…but I did just read more of the documentation and it also says that you can access it with AltGR i. On Windows that is interpreted into RALT i and that does work for me. Hope it gets you through your homework!

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What does RALT mean? Also, what does AltGA i mean?


On Windows there is usually an ALT key to the left and right of the spacebar. Use the right one.

On macOS it will be called ALTGr. I’m not sure where it is on a keyboard.

On a macOS, it would be the option key ( maybe the right one or both depending on the keyboard).

On windows and Linux it would be the right Alt key (RAlt) on European keyboards it would be AltGr which is physically in the same position as the right Alt key on the US English keyboard.

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