Importing old Keyman developer file ie V8

I need to add some more glyphs to a Keyboard we developed 12 years ago and the new version doesn’t seem to recognize the file type.

It’s possible you have the .kmx which is the compiled version of your keyboard. You need the source (.kmn) file to modify it. If you can’t find the source, you can use kmdecomp.exe to decompose your keyboard.

@dsienko_tulaliptribe long time no see! Hope you are doing well. As @Lorna says, you can use kmdecomp.exe to decompile your .kmx file into a .kmn. However, if you do have the .kmn file already, it’s best to start with that. I’ve located some old versions of your .kmn and .kps files in my email archive – but they may not be the most recent version; let me know if you want those.

Also, if you can let us know any errors that Keyman Developer might be giving, we can probably point you in the right direction for solutions.

I’m doing well and now and grandfather. Twins both happy and healthy, a boy and girl. Hopefully things are well with you since we met in Vancouver, BC.

We’re adding at least the grave and acute glyphs and debating the best way of doing it. I hear some languages are using the lowercase apostrophe key for both apostrophe and acute. Depending on what comes after. Is that possible? To be honest I don’t see many people typing them, we’re adding them to the font for dictionary work. It just seems, silly not to have a way to them, then. I planned on putting the grave key where the back quote is located.

Any suggestions.


Lovely! Yes, we are doing well down in Hobart at present.

That’s certainly possible. If these options are rarely used, then it might be sensible to put them together with a modifier such as Right Alt, so that they don’t interfere (particularly for apostrophe) with everyday use:

'a' + [RALT K_QUOTE] > '???'

Or something like that.

How would that work with mobile devices?

Keyman Developer will now allow you to create a mobile (tablet or phone) layout. You can keep the same keystrokes, but you also have the freedom to make your layout more user friendly. The mobile layout allows you to use multiple layers and it also allows you to use long press keys so you have more options.

Here’s a link for you where you can start to read about it: Developing Keyboards